When you own a business, you know that online customer reviews are very influential. From Google to Healthgrades, people are sharing their experiences on everything, and what they say has an impact.
These days, a Google review can shape your business far more than a Google Ad. According to a Zendesk survey, 90% of participants claimed that positive online reviews influenced their buying decision, and 86% said their decision was influenced by negative reviews.
As social media expert Brian Solis said, “Welcome to a new era of marketing and service in which your brand is defined by those who experience it.”
Many businesses focus on what to do about the one or two bad reviews, but the most effective way to combat a few negative words is to load up on the rave reviews. This means you’ll need to encourage your happy customers to take the time to write about their experiences.
Ask for a review at the time of checkout. This will allow your staff to gauge the patients happiness with their experience. Then with MDidentity’s Instant Request you can send either an email or text message, what the patients preference is.
Email campaigns are probably what you thought of. This is the most common way or reaching out to patients. Either weekly or bi-weekly this is a great way to ask for reviews. Below are 6 basics for contact your patients.
How to ask patients for reviews, the basics:
For starters, always have explicit permission before soliciting feedback via email, SMS or social.
The optimal time to inquire is a few days after the transaction.
Within the request, use casual language so anyone understands what you’re after.
Make sure they know how long the process will take, i.e. “…a few minutes.”
Encourage transparent feedback, not blanket satisfaction. The value of the review isn’t in the rating, it’s in the feedback.
Express your heartfelt gratitude for their patronage and reiterate the importance of feedback.
Andrew Rost Andrew is the Lead Product Manager for MDidentity, where he geeks out daily over digital reputation, data and graphs. When he’s not equipping doctors and business owners with the tools and knowledge to manage their digital reputation, he’s playing sports, eating granola and hiking the woods of Maine with his family.
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